How to make a Chia Pudding

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Who knew that the Chia Pet would have such a transformation?

Chia seeds, Salvia Hispanica L. (the L is for Larniaceae, if you want to really nerd out),  are full of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, fibre, and protein. There have been health claims for chia seeds that state improvement in appetite control, decreased triglycerides, and management of type 2 diabetes.(1)

According to the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, the demand for chia seeds is increasing and “projected to reach more than 2 billion USD in sales by 2022. “


Chia seeds are a plant belonging to the mint category, and you can utilize these to replace eggs, and add some fibre to smoothies, smoothie bowls, salads and baked goods!

These little guys can also be used just like overnight oats, in making an easy chia pudding.

(Keep scrolling for a printable recipe)

Variations on chia pudding are so easy.

Adding a cup of liquid to a ¼ cup chia seeds, and soaking for around 15 minutes is all it takes. Choose your favourite nut milk, soak, and add fruit, nuts, cocoa, to flavour and create a quick and filling breakfast or snack food. 

Want a printable recipe? Click right here!

 Have a Chia Seed recipe you’d like to have featured here! Connect with me!


1. Salba-chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in the treatment of overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes: A double-blind randomized controlled trial

Vuksan, V. et al.