Finding Balance in Midweek Chaos

finding balance in the week

“How do I maintain balance through the week?

I hit the midweek wall! I do well staying balanced in body, mind and spirit on weekends. Mondays and Fridays feel balanced too, but midweek is tough!

I am more mentally exhausted than physically, but one lends it self to the other.”

Yes, dear listener, one does feed the other.

Thank you for your submission!
What a great question. We all can relate to this, can’t we?

Sneak Peak of the Episode Below:

What can I give you in this episode?

  • Reflection question on Balance. What does this mean to you?

  • Recovering your balance or staying in perfection?

  • When you get thrown off your game how do you recover? Develop resilience to deal with the stress in these situations.


What ARE your beliefs about health?
Sometimes these beliefs create stress, health anxiety, disordered eating and orthorexic thinking.

We’re going into a cycling season of enjoying favourite foods, only to feel guilty, in the Holiday Season and out of it come January.

Let this year be different.

Tanya StricekComment